Konyves : CSMI,
Certified Silva Method
is The Silva Method of Mind Development and Motivational
Training? |
Those of you who took the seminar
back in the 70s, 80s and 90s, know what it's about and
that it has been taught to millions in the United States
and worldwide.
The feedback from Silva graduates is thought provoking
to say the least. These methods stay
with people for the rest of their lives having made
positive impressions and goal attainments with incredible
life changes.
The basis of the Silva Method
program is the learning of dynamic meditation and relaxation.
Learning how to access the ALPHA level, the
sleep level, with controlled awareness, meaning, being
in ALPHA and being aware.
Our brain waves beat just like our hearts do. Brain
activity is measured in cycles per second, CPS, and
while we are in BETA, the conscious
level, our brain operates at approximately 21 CPS, yet
as we reach our sleep level ALPHA, it
will slow to approximately 10 CPS,
which is the point where we can learn to
cross over to the side of the brain substantially less
Being left brained is encouraged by our society from
birth, representing the objective, the logical, rational,
analytical, verbal, etc. focus of attention while the
right brain representing the subjective, the emotional,
the heart, faith, compassion, intuitiveness, creativity,
visualization, imagination, etc. focus of attention,
may not get enough credit in a superficial world.
The Silva Methods are
simple, practical tools with
which you can learn to use both sides of your brain,
thus allowing you to make major, positive life changes
on every level of your life, physical, mental and spiritual.